Thursday, July 08, 2004

Loyalty of Siblings

I look at my children and see a loyalty amongst them that is inexplicable. My daughter picks up her younger brother from school, and on one occasion I went to meet them at the train near the school. I was surprised at how she had such a hold on my son, leading him down a crowded NY Street by the hand with a very determined step, while he munched on an cherry icy, lagging behind her, happily enjoying the icy, unaware of his sister's determination in getting him home safely.

I look often at my children when they play together, and the way in which they help each other during play if one doesn't quite grasp a concept. I look and admire the cooperation they have with each other, and hope this cooperation can subsist throughout the coming years in a way that allows them to help each other when I and their Father are not around.

I also look at my children when they fight, and see that they are going for blood, and know that this intensity comes from the love they have for each other. To fight the ones you love is to fight with the knowledge that someone you deeply love has somehow betrayed you, and you are now fighting because of the betrayal. I also am witness to them picking themselves up after fighting, and hearing a few words of wisdom from their parents, and understanding that whatever resulted in fighting should not negate the love that they have for each other, but lead to an understanding that family can agree to disagree. My children are mastering that aspect of life and in doing so have a galvanizing loyalty to each other that is truly profound.

I am happy that my children are loyal to each other, and know that they have someone who is blood who will do whatever they need done for them should the need arise. Loyalty is important, and even more so, among family members as it is stronger because it is a synthesized loyalty grown from having DNA in common.

Because of the circumstances of my childhood should I have had siblings who'd have shown me the loyalty only siblings can provide, my path through childhood would have been somewhat easier. I am happy that my children will have that benefit.


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