Friday, June 25, 2004


I often have a crush on men that epitomize my ideal man. Vin Diesel does it for me in this moment in time. Nice brown skin (when he's tanned) killer body, deep deep voice. I swoon when I hear him speak. He fits my ideal of a handsome man.

When riding transit, to break up the 1 and a half hour round trip ride, I look at the occupants of my car, specifically those of the male persuasion and think of them as a potential mate. I glance nonchalantly and sum them up. Not tall, is a instant disqualifier. Big and brawny makes for 75% of the mark to a keeper for mate potential. I daydream about men, and think it strange as I have one at home.

Why do I daydream about men I would never approach, or meet, knowing instinctually there is a great possibility they would be idiots because they think more of themselves than anyone because they know they are pretty boys? Do I think of these strangers daily because I'm hot in the pants? Because I am bored? Essentially I do it because there is no harm and therefore no foul.

I love my man, and if I say so myself, he is quite the looker, and what attracted me to him was that he has a body like Vin Diesel, and a honey complexion, and light eyes and an incredible deep voice. All that he is all that I lust for when looking at the men on my trek to and from work.

Looking and lusting breaks up the monotony of my long train ride, and adds thrill to my day. I don't act upon it towards those strangers that I am looking at clandestinely. Only when I get home do I then act upon these glances by being somewhat aggressive with the Hubby because I have those thoughts I have had on the train. This adds spice to the love life in a voyeuristic way.

I like my glances for cute men as it allows me to daydream and create wonderful moments with the hubby. What's the harm in innocent voyeuristic dalliances. So, here's to more wonderful train rides with beautiful men to scope out.


Blogger Fresh said...

What train are you riding? Must be a different line from the one I ride *LOL*

6:03 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

LOL! It's the #4. There is at least one hottie a day on my train. I do look a lot. LOL

9:32 PM  

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