Saturday, June 26, 2004

Happy Everyday

I was too tired last night to do the math to figure out how old I am. I stopped counting about 10 years ago. I remembered it was my birthday about 4:00 PM yesterday when I looked at the date. I said to myself that date looked so familiar, and then started laughing to myself when I occured to me that it was my birthday.

I am genuinely surprised I am on this earth each day, let alone each birthday. At 12 years old I didn't think I would make it to 16 because of the circumstances of my childhood and the chaotic and violent home my parents provided for me. I bet myself at twelve that I wouldn't make it because of my parents. I thought that no one would care to stop the violence they visited to me, and that when I was gone no one would care. Trust that at the age of twelve I wanted to live a long life and I fought with literally tooth and nail to stay alive. I know that my resistance to and returning of violence to those who put it upon me helped in diverting a lot more violence I knew would have been directed my way. I knew that should I have been complacent and accepting of beatings they would have come more frequently. I fought back like I was fighting for my life. And I was.

I am here at an age I envisioned but did not think I would reach. I fought for it to happen, and the fight was worth it. I am proud of my ability to overcome dire circumstances. I look back and know I created my own destiny. A birthday is a milestone to many, but every day lived to me is a milestone. It proves that I am a survivor. I am victorious in every day I live as my presence evidences that hard times can be overcome.

Happy Everyday to me!!!!!!


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