Monday, June 07, 2004


Did you ever go shopping and find everything you need and have enough money to purchase these items?

This happened to me on Sunday. My son's birthday is on June 9th, and he asked that we get his presents before his birthday. He showed me exactly what he wanted, and I purchased them at the time. We had a nice time. He hugged me and thanked me for the gifts. I pretended to grunt at the expense, but was pleased I could provide all that my child requested of me for his birthday.

I read recently President Bush will be signing into legislation The Draft. The modern day Draft will allow The United States of America to draft boys and girls. I wondered about my sons and daughter and immediately thought of the possibility of a move to Canada.

Life is so good right now, and I seem to be getting a leg up on it. I hope this proposal of drafting United States Boys and Girls does not come to fruition as that would be problematic for me and many other families of The US.

War may be a necessary evil, but I did not sign up for it, nor did my children. No one ever fought for me so why should I send my children to fight for anyone else.

My time with my son on Sunday was precious and it holds memories that I will never forget. He is a good boy who is caring and has a good heart. I look forward to him growing up, and not to him or my other children entering into anyone's war.


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