Monday, June 07, 2004


I listen to music that moves me to tears. There are songs that I hear that help me to cleanse my soul. These songs help me to release all that ails me.

Angela Bofill, Patti LaBelle, Areatha, those are the singers that can help me to get ready to face the big bad world. I put on their cd's full blast and have a good cry. I release the anxiety and the hurt as their sons fortify me for the trip into Manhattan to a job that sometimes leaves me empty.

I have to do so much overtime to make ends meet as I do not make a living wage. In doing so, I am anxious that my superiors will question my long hours, and take them away from me, or worse fire me. There are constant bills that the money I make from overtime eats up. There are also every day regular problems with hubby, children, and just life in general.

So to hear a song that speaks to those problems, that tells me that all will be well allows me release, temporarily, but release none the less.

I can't help but think of the old adage, "Music soothes the savage beast." I feel like a savage as I work inhuman hours and worry astronomically about bills. The music I choose helps me to deal with these problems. I'm listening to Floetry as I write and I am soothed.

Now if I can get a way to get more overtime without living at my job.


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