Sunday, November 14, 2004


I have heard so many say they have regrets in life, and I listen to their claims, but do not join in claiming the same feelings. I have no regrets in my life. That may sound arrogant, but I can say, honestly, that I have tried to do all that I can in making attempts at and doing the right things in my life. I have tried to do the things that make me happy. I have tried, earnestly, to be the best at and in all my endeavors. I have tried to be a good friend, worker, mother, wife, daughter, commuter, listener, etc. I understand the concept of having regrets and have so at an early age. At that early age I said to myself that I would not live a life that had any regrets and have lived one that follows that philosophy.

Also, once I do something, I am at peace with it. I don't jump into anything, especially when speaking, without thinking, contemplating, the possible end result. And once the feat is done, I don't look back, knowing it was contemplated in a thoughtful and precise matter, and acted upon with dignity and respect for all involved. I do things with good intentions and without malice. This is the basis for all of my actions and thoughts in life, and with that foundation from which all actions and thoughts of mine spring, I can have no regrets, as my existence is comprised of attempting and doing the right thing. The effort has been made by me to be correct in my being a part of the human race, and that is good enough for me and allows me to have no regrets.

Of course, many who know me may not agree with my actions, but that does not concern me as I cannot make everyone happy, nor is that my job to do. I have to be at peace with my decisions in life. And I am. I believe I have done so with the thoughts of how the decisions of my life affect those around me and have moved forward with whatever decision knowing I was treating those affected by that decision with dignity.

I have no regrets.


Blogger Radmila said...

No disrespect to you TLC, but you seem like someone who can take a dose of here goes....
but, not one regret?
You have lived your entire life up until this point and never once said, "I wish I hadn't done that"?
Even in dealing with your children?
With your family?
With your career or education?
If this is true, then you are above human.

3:09 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Radmila, I hear ya', and ALWAYS appreciate your comments.

What I am trying to say is I put my best efforts forth, always, and think about what I will be doing before I do it. Some have said that I am very "still" I don;t jump to do anything. I kind of sit and ponder stuff. I act in a delayed fashion and when I finally do get moving on something, I do it full force knowing I;ve made a decision that is right for me. It may sound strange, but with this course of action, I have no regrets. I have done things that have not turned out well, yes, on many occassions, but I have no regrets about the reults because I did whtaever it was that I did with the full understanding that I was making a choice of doing it. It was not happenstance. It was wasn't done willy-nilly. It was done with an express purpose and I was accepting of any of the consequences that evolved from that choice.

So, yes, I get what you're saying, and perhaps I should be regretful for some of the things I have done. But not having regrets gets me through the day. I can't look behind me. I have to look and move forward. It's like a, "been there, done that," attitude. I did my best, and now I am moving on. I am in no way above human, and I do understand your questioning, and appreciate it.

I just gotta keep it movin'. I let stuff GO. No regrets. If I hurt anyone because of a bad decision, I apologize to them, sincerely, and move on, and don't look back. If they accept my apology, great, if not, that is very sad, but I did my best to rectify the matter. If I don't get what I wanted because of a stupid choice I made, I decipher what I did that was "wrong" and go onto the next hurdle of life. I did my best during the moment the decision was being made and executed and during whatever and whenever the mistake was made. I did my best and if a mistake was made as a result of my doing my best, than so be it. I also truly believe, sometimes stuff is just not meant to BE.

I think it is just about doing your best, at all times, and therefore not having regrets about life choices because doing your best should not cause regrets.

As always, Radmila, I appreciate your input. And call me out whenever you want to. I respect your opinion and learn from it.


4:04 PM  
Blogger Radmila said...

Thanks TLC,
I too am someone who weighs things, and for the most part I'm not impulsive.
But even with the best laid plans, with the twists and turns of events, hindsight is 20/20.
I would have made different decisions were I given the opportunity to make them again knowing then what I know now.
Dwell on these outcomes?
What is the point?
We can't change the way things have turned out any more than we can change the circumstances or hand we were dealt.
We can only change how we move forward, learn from our mistakes (in my case making the same mistakes more than once)and make different decisions when confronted with similar circumstances again.

4:34 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Radmila, great post! Very insightful, and I "get" it.

Thanks for commenting.

5:09 PM  

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