Wednesday, October 06, 2004


I am a person who values the art of the escapism. Once I close the door to my home, and sit down, I can peel away the pressures that I've endured during my usual hectic days by reading, writing or viewing movies and television. These are the various escape routes that I take to rejuvenate and acquiesce to and release pressures that are a never ending part of my existence.

Writing has always allowed me an outlet via which I can express all that I cannot say in a non-confrontational way, and in a complete way. Often when saying things to those that I wish to express a particular point much is left unsaid because the words did not come at the appropriate time. However, when I write there is time to contemplate the exact words that are needed to express the internal feelings. The time for contemplating allows for the perfect words that formulate all that I want to say.

Renting DVD's and cable is wonderful for me. When hearing of a boxing match or another sporting event that's coming on cable or opening my mailbox to see the brightly colored envelopes containing movies, of my choice, is exhilarating as I can wrap myself in the moments of the movie or the sporting event, and take pleasure in what I am viewing. I can escape in the abilities of the writer of the movie or the sportsmanship of the opponents of the event I am a witness to, and drink up their efforts. I am mystified by good movies, and like to dissect how the writer composed the lines, and try to understand the writers' intent. The sports matches are always intriguing as I imagine all of the sacrifices a caliber athlete has put into the precise moment at which I see them. They have prepared for years for a moment that may last only seconds and do so with the great hope that they will be victors. They do so in front of countless people, some live and some via television, who are there to analyze and observe their feats. Books have always fascinate me in their abilities to take me to the moment being described. The power of words has always been such a mystifying yet satisfying thing to me, and I relish a book that has an abundance of such. I am in awe of those people who produce the entities that allow my escapism. The awe is equally distributed for all those involved in providing me an avenue to release my pressures; the writers, the actors, the athletes, the camera man, etc. All that they do is art and through this art I can escape in its beauty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on now TLC. Don't leave us in suspense like that. You have to tell us what were the last couple of books and movies that you really enjoyed?


10:53 AM  
Blogger TLC said...

LOL! Wasn't trying to be coy, just forgot to mention. LOL! "Little Scarlet," by one of my favorite authors, Walter Mosley, is the latest book I've enjoyed, and the action movie, "Walking Tall" the re-make with The Rock.

I get lost in stuff like that. It takes me away.

Chris, thanks for commenting.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing TLC.

9:26 PM  
Blogger Radmila said...

Escape is good.

11:55 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Radmila, thanks for commenting.

Thomai, I am excited about the movie you've mentioned and will look it up and attend. I will try to make a Sunday of it, and get back to you on how I feel about it. Thanks for commenting and the heads-up.

5:25 PM  

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