Thursday, October 21, 2004

Comments of Inequity

The Presidential Candidates wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry's truly put her foot in her mouth with the comment:

Asked how she would be different from Mrs. Bush if Kerry won the Nov. 2 election, Heinz Kerry said: "Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don't know that she's ever had a real job -- I mean, since she's been grown up."

I truly question how a woman with children could utter such nasty words about another woman with children. Is not having children a job, and I add, one of the most important jobs a person may have, the cultivation of a spirit, of a soul, of a human being? And further, this woman, who has been seemingly dignified in her stance as a companion to the leader of the free world, has "had a REAL job" as a teacher, which many would contend is, also, one of the most important jobs a society has as it molds the future of those who will make up future generations. Teachers are deemed the gateway through which persons embark on the rest of their lives.

So it is astonishing that a woman would make such a divisive comment about another. I once attended an appointment with a mid-wife. I, at that point had two children, and was, by choice, not gainfully employed, and upon laying on the exam table she asked if I worked outside of the home. That question floored me as it spoke volumes about her reverence for my having two children and the work that it entailed, and her wanting to understand, and not assume, if in addition to that hard work, did I also have a job that paid. In that one questioning sentence she validated all that I do in my working to raise my children in a non-paying capacity, and she subliminally saluted that effort. Often during this time of my life persons of my family, often female members, often my mother, would call me up and tell me to do their personal errands and the reason why I had to do them was pronounced boldly with an ending statement, "Oh you can do this for me 'cause your home all day and your not doing anything." Usually they heard a resounding click in their ear as I slammed down the phone after telling them what they could do with their requests.

It is clear that many women do not value all that women do on a daily basis, in the home. It is understandable, but not acceptable why a man would do so, but for women to not understand what other women go through on a daily basis in raising families and working outside of the home, and the work that all these endeavors entails, is astonishing. And for such a hurtful comment to come from someone who may be the companion of the new world leader and who may influence policies for women's rights within that capacity, is scary. Though Ms. Heinz Kerry has apologized for her statement, I believe in her first words as her true opinion of Ms. Bush. I believe that she, though she herself is a mother, does not think of it as a job, when it in fact is, and a most important job and as such, a labor of love.

To assume something about someone who has appeared to be a quiet dignified person is galling. Why did this woman think of another in an incorrect assuming way? Ms. Bush has worked outside of the home, and done so in a profession that is often not given its due respect. I can only think that because she has not had "glamorous" employment, has worked outside of the home as a teacher and a librarian, one of such stature as Ms. Heinz, who has worked in many philanthropic positions of employment, when looking at such a person as Ms. Bush, it is easy to assume, and thus be completely and rudely incorrect in the assumption. To assume anything about anyone is to be divisive. If one does not know something definitively, one should not assume as in doing so only mistakes will ensue, and these mistakes can be hurtful. And these mistakes can be very revealing as to the character of the assuming person.

I have a new opinion of Ms. Heinz Kerry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Thomai on this one. Sheesh, the Red Sox beat the Yankees last night and today I agree with Thomai. The apocalypse is near!


1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So was LB's not having a real job how THK distinguished herself from LB? Is that what came to her mind first? OoooooKaaayyyyy

My first thought when I heard that was if THK (a mega-millionairess) every had a real job? Anyhoo, I know that LB is/was Librarian and a Teacher. I guess I thought that THK is/was a mega-volunteer/funraidser/whatever.

But you are right TLC, both of them are mothers --and that is a helluva job in itself.


2:52 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Thanks Thomai, Chris, and Sandra for your thoughtful comments.

I think we all agree it was a blunder on THK's part, at minumum.

3:34 PM  

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