Thursday, June 03, 2004

The City

As hard as it is to live in The City of New York, with its intolerably high cost of living, the racism, the lack of decent and affordable housing, crime, lack of clean and inexpensive transportation, etc., it is fantastic.

I can be depressed and not at all feeling well about various issues of my life, but when I walk out of my home on a Spring like day such as today, I feel as if all my problems slip away. This afternoon in the city was glorious. I had to run some errands in my neighborhood in The Bronx and was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful a day it was. I then took the train to 42nd Street to take care of some personal matters and again was amazed because though there were teeming crowds of tourist rushing about I was nonetheless not perturbed by them as I normally would be (any blue blood NYer hates tourist) as my mood was bolstered by the magnificent weather.

NYC is resplendent when the weather is perfect no matter if you are in the heart of a ghetto or the heart of the upper East Side as it has a synthesizing energy that establishes itself in all of its residents. This energy uplifts all who partake of it because it is inescapable. You will feel the weather even if you are ensconced in an apartment. The weather of NYC on such a spring day will invigorate the homebound and the jet setters alike because the energy the city brings from the beautiful weather knows no bounds. It infiltrates all in the city because it cannot be shut out. Through closed blinds, closed eyes, closed doors the weather infiltrates and invigorates. I felt like the day awakened me from my winter slumber.

The weather has made me happy and aware that there are always new days no matter how bleak the last one was. The weather has made me aware that I should welcome each day though they may not all be sunny and glorious because the dreary days are surmountable. There will always be bright ones to follow.


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