Thursday, May 27, 2004


I am the mother of three. I have a girl and 2 boys. I am proud of them all. They are an extension of me and in their being so independent and resilient, I believe I am the same: resilient and independent.

My daughter called me today, and it seems she did so to just talk. She is 13 and sweet. She called me after she got home from school to ask what does it meant when someone, particularly a boy, calls you a "Ten". I told her that means that they admire your beauty and think of it as the epitome. She asked if I had been called that ever. I said no because none of the guys I hung out with would utter such a corny statement. Now a dime piece is more like what I have been called, and often. My daughter said she thought I was a nine. I thought that was so sweet. I hold that conversation precious, and I think it was a bonding moment.

My boys are as verbose as my daughter, and often provide me with moments that allow for us to bond. They are not afraid to speak their minds and have timeless wisdom. I am proud of them.

I wish to have all these types of moments with my children as they allow me to be closer to them, and understand them.

When all is wrong in my life I can look at them and understand I have created something that is beautiful.

My children are beautiful.


Blogger Fresh said...

That is so beautiful that you have open communication with your kids and your daughter, although a teen, still feels comfortable enough to talk to you.

6:10 PM  
Blogger TLC said...

Yes, it is great, isn't it?

I hope it continues for every breath that I have in my body.

Thanks for your comments.

9:40 PM  

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