Tuesday, May 25, 2004

First Time

I'm posting for the first time.

I hope that I have worthy experiences while posting. I have many thoughts that are bottled up and wish to set them free.

Saturday a friend and I went to a French Diner in The Meatpacking District of NYC and while waiting on line to be shown to a table, we were ignored and overlooked by the Maitre'D. I felt invisible. I corrected her and said she passed us over. She apologized and asked the pertinent questions like how many were in our party, etc. But I found it puzzling that she looked at me and my companion at the head of the line, and then looked beyond us to the next couple behind us. I can only assume that because I am an African-American that she did not believe I was with my friend who is a White Male, and that he must have been with the couple behind us. I, in her vision, was invisible, and therefore she looked through me. It was perturbing to say the least. I was really calm when I told her she skipped over Chacos and I, and she apologized for her faux pas, but it still bothered me. Once again racism reared its ugly head in a very subliminal way.


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