What's going on?
I love the title of the song by Marvin Gaye. It is so literal. "What's going on?" And he proceeds to ask why are things happening in the world in such devastating ways. Of late there has been much happening in the world. Some happenings are inexplicable, but perhaps, totally explainable. It is known how tsunami's form and come into fruition, but why must it have been so devastating and have happened in an area for which there could not be ample forewarning. And because of this lack of communication we have such devastation. The pictures of the devastation the Tsunami brought forth remind me of how I felt when The World Trade incident happened. So much death and destruction during 9/11, but in relation to the devastation of the Tsunami, it cannot compare. But yet I feel the same way and ask the same question of myself. What is going on? Does this incident mean anything more than a terrible natural disaster? A disaster that seems so incomprehensible in the death that came about because of it.
But I know that some things cannot be explained and are better left to understand as an inexplicable happening. The happening of December 26, 2004 is one that will be felt by many as an awakening as to how easily an existence can be removed from the realm of life. The incredible loss of people because of this happening reinforces my resolve, again, to live life vivaciously for tomorrow is not promised.
Sometimes unbelievable circumstances bring about positive change.
The world has come to the rescue of those countries affected by the tsunamis.
Who knows TLC?
All of the money and aid pouring in from the rest of the world might make the rebuilding of life there more than what it was.
God works in mysterious ways.
Radmila, fantastic perspective. Let's hope it becomes a reality.
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I agree with you on Marvin Gaye's song being so literal on the happenings of today. I believe that is was so insightful and it showed in his music. The earthquake and the tsunami that ensued is a sign of the times, I believe. G-d allowed it to happen to show his power and for us to take notice. His Son has put it out there in the Book of Revelations and now it is our choice to believe it and act on it. If we don't, who knows what can happen? Remember Noah and his Ark? I would hate to think that it could happen again, if it really did happen at all. Overall, this is a wake-up call to all of us - love one another and take care of each other before it too late.
Ehhhh, there were earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, continental drift and ice ages long before people came into existence. Now there are people scattered all over the world and when a disaster happens like this many people die. It is a tragedy and with out technology should have been minimalized.
It gives a glimmer of hope that people around the world have banded together to do what they can however.
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